Turning Left When They Think You’ll Turn Right

“No scene that doesn’t turn.” Such is the motto of Robert McKee’s bible for storytellers, Story. Until I read his book a couple years ago and started hearing more and more screenwriters refer to “turns” and “reversals” and “turning left when they think you’ll turn...

How Engaging Is Online Video? VERY

NOVEMBER 25, 2009 From In October 2009, Eyeblaster reported that creative was the key to more engaging rich media ads. Based on the research firm’s “Online Video Advertising: Doubles Engagement, Boosts ROI” bulletin, video grabs attention and has a...

Online Video Now Used by 84% of Marketers

The following is from An overwhelming majority (83.5%) of brand and agency marketers in a recent study say they currently are using some type of online video in their marketing efforts, and most expect their use of the medium to grow in the coming...